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植树节英语作文 五句话

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Tree-planting Day is an important environmental event celebrated worldwide. On this day, people come together to plant trees and raise awareness about t...


"4.关于植树节的英语作文范文 Today is March 12, China's Arbor Day. In the morning, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back. I saw many uncles and a...


关于植树节的英语作文一 Today is planting day.Our class have a meaningful activity.All of our classmates go t...


小学植树节英语作文1 That was Tree Plangting Day.My class went to plant tree by the river.We met at 7:00 a.m.on the playground.Then we got there by bus...


植树节英语作文 篇1 March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day...


有关植树节英语作文1:Spring is coming, it blows the whistle, wake up everything, you see: the river singing started running, the grass drill ground, wil...


为大家整理的《高中英语作文精选:记一次植树节活动》,供大家参考。March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that da...

关于植树节英语作文 急急急9.00

Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1. 在中国,植树节在03月12日。这特殊日子在1979年开始。在那一天,...


写作翻译网权威发布关于植树节的英语作文-Tree-planting Day 植树节,更多关于植树节的英语作文-Tree-planting Day 植树节相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。 Today ...

关于植树节师生植树的英语作文 70词

Today is Tree Planting Day and we didn't have classes , instead , our teachers organized us to a park to plant trees .We worked hard and we dug many hol...

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