consider sb to do something的相关图片

consider sb to do something

下面围绕“consider sb to do something”主题解决网友的困惑


此句是被动句,所以其中的 was 并不是系动词,而是助动词。considered 当然也就不是表语,而是 was considered 一起...

consider sb to do ,是指考虑某人做某事,还是看待某


译:consider sb to do sth

consider sb to do sth---认为某人- - - - 比如说:1 We all consider John to be the best player here,我们都认为John 是最好的球员。2 They consider Mary to ...

consider sb to be/to do sth 中文是什么?

认为某人是什么 或 认为某人应该去做什么

consider sb to do和doing的区别?

1、consider sb to do用法。consider作“考虑”解,常用于以下句型:Consider+n./pron./v-ing。You'dbetterconsider...

consider sb./sth. to do

作为考虑的时候 一般我们在考试中或作文中,大多是consider doing sth .或者是consider that+ 句子 作为认为的时候 consider sb./sth(as)+形容词或者名词 consid...


②He has never considered how to solve the problem. 他从未考虑过如何解决那个问题。③Do you consider that we can finish the project ahead of time?你认为...

consider to do和consider doing的意思?分别是什么?

consider sb. to do/be(认为...会...)consider doing 是考虑做某事的意思

consider sb to do sth 怎么造句?

He considers his father to buy him a watch.


consider doing 考虑做…consider doing something 考虑做某事 读法 英 [kənˈsɪdə(r)] 美 [k&...

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